ISSUE 139                                                                                     April 28, 2022
Taiwan Weekly
Reliable report and analysis of the most important issues in Taiwan
In This Issue
● This Week in Taiwan: 
Other Important Events This Week

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CTS News Ran False News Tickers About China Missile Attack on Taiwan
CTS News, which is owned by the Taiwan Broadcasting System, successively ran false news tickers such as New Taipei was hit by a People's Liberation Army (PLA) missile and the president issued an emergency order, causing public panic. Many critics are demanding that the National Communications Commission (NCC) sanction CTS.
(Photo from: The Storm Media)
Featured News

Mistake After Mistake, CTS Executives Step Down

Summary Report by  Taiwan Weekly


During the morning news broadcast from 7 AM on April 20, CTS News ran in the news ticker that New Taipei City was hit by a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) missile attack, and facilities and vessels in Taipei Harbor were damaged.


Unsurprisingly, the broadcast caused panic among the public and alarmed the top management of the national security team. The news was later clarified as a mistake and an apology was issued. However, two hours later at the 9 AM news once again ran an erroneous news ticker: "Tatun volcano erupted; magma unleashed." The chair, as well as the acting general manager of the Chinese Television System (CTS), both resigned to take responsibility.

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Featured Editorial
According to media commentary, not only the Ministry of Culture should take responsibility as the competent authority for consecutive errors made by CTS News. Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang of the NCC, who has continued to shield CTS, should also resign and step down.
(Photo from: United Daily News)

Indulgent Towards CTS Spreading Propaganda, Competent Authorities Should Take Responsibility

United Daily News Editorial, April 26, 2022


CTS News made two unbelievable mistakes in one day. On the morning of April 20, first reporting false information such as New Taipei City was hit by a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) missile, the president issued an emergency order, and other false messages regarding mainland China attacking Taiwan. The news station later released more false information, including that the Datun Volcanoes erupted, and lava is flowing down as well as fist sized hail is falling down in Taipei. CTS News reporting fake news on war and natural disasters to frighten citizens proves that from decision making to management, there are big issues within the Taiwan Broadcast System (TBS). For this, Chairwoman Tchen Yu-chiou of the TBS and Acting General Manager Chen Ya-lin of the Chinese Television Service (CTS) both resigned. However, both the Ministry of Culture (MOC) and the National Communications Commission (NCC) are to blame. Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang of the NCC should also resign.

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Featured Opinion
According to a commentator, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) used its majority to forcibly pass through first reading a legislative amendment which would decriminalize misuse of the state affairs fund. This is evidence that President Tsai Ing-wen would like to bleach former President Chen Shui-bian's corruption offenses.
(Photo from: China Times)

DPP Legislators Amending Law to Decriminalize Corruption by President

By Yeh Ching-yuan

China Times, April 21, 2022


On April 21, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leveraged its majority to ram a bill to decriminalize the use of State Affairs Funds through the legislature within five minutes. This not only violated due process but also violated substantive procedures. It is ridiculous that the DPP forcibly made an amendment just to help exonerate corrupt former President Chen Shui-bian, but rendered President Tsai Ing-wen's "rule of integrity" a laughing stock! It also exposes the nature of the DPP as an accomplice to Chen’s corruption.

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This Week in Taiwan
The number of infections in Taiwan has soared, with more than 5,000 confirmed cases a day. People are queuing up across Taiwan to be vaccinated.
(Photo from: China Times)
April 18: According to the media, with the consent of the United States, Taiwan is extending the airport runway on Taiping Island by 350 meters, from the current 1,150 meters to the 1,500 meters. The Air Force has completed the construction tender. It can be used by fighter jets to take off and land when necessary.  
April 19: After six days of emergency care, a two-year-old boy from New Taipei died 3 AM accompanied by his parents. Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung, who heads the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), stated that the physicians had done their best and feel deeply saddened. 
April 20: The Ministry of Health and Welfare's (MOHW) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) passed resolution that children aged 6 to 11 can be vaccinated with half the adult dose (i.e. 0.25 ml) of Moderna vaccine, with a 12-week interview between two shots. The new measure may take effect as soon as early May. 
The authorities also opened third-dose vaccination to adolescents. Seniors and high-risk groups may receive fourth and fifth doses. 
April 21: Former President Chen Shui-bian's state affairs fund case has been litigated for more than 15 years. In reviewing amendments to the Accounting Act about de-criminalizing misuse of the state affairs fund, the Finance Committee of the Legislative Yuan saw several waves of physical conflict among the ruling and opposition parties. 
Despite strong opposition from three opposition parties, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) still relied upon its majority to pass the draft legislation through committee in about five minutes. The amendment will proceed to party caucus negotiations.
April 21: April 22 is Earth Day. On April 21, the Executive Yuan passed a draft amendment to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, which will be renamed the Climate Change Response Act, and net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 will be included in the law. At the same time, a carbon pricing mechanism will be established. A carbon fee is expected to be levied in 2024. The legislation will be submitted to the Legislative Yuan for further deliberation. 
April 22: On Labor Day on May 1, all Taiwan Railways t rains will be suspended. In order to resist the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) from submitting draft legislation privatizing Taiwan Railways without negotiation, the union initiated "no overtime work on May 1," which is expected to cause the second major service disruption in the 135-year history of the Taiwan Railways. The MOTC announced alternative modes of transportation with the High Speed Rail and passenger buses to serve western Taiwan and so-called "quasi-trains" (i.e. charter buses driven along Provincial Highway No. 9) to serve eastern Taiwan. 
April 22: The number of infected people has soared, and classes have been suspended for more than 60,000 teachers and students in Taipei. The Taipei City Government announced that junior and senior high schools in Taipei will practice online instruction. Kaohsiung announced rapid testing in lieu of suspending classes. 
April 22: President Tsai Ing-wen pardoned former army major general Han Yu-ping and officer Zhang Hao-sen. In accordance with the Anti-Corruption Act, the two had been sentenced to 4.5 years and one year, respectively, in prison for writing off meal expenses of NT$2,880 during the Hankuang Exercise. The case has garnered public attention and controversy.
Taiwan Weekly is a newsletter released every week by Fair Winds Foundation and Association of Foreign Relations which provides coverage and perspectives on the latest developments in Taiwan.

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